Common questions

When does the sale start?

We will announce a specific date soon. Join the waitlist and get notified!

Is NFT DOCK a marketplace?

No. NFT DOCK is one step before selling on marketplaces and offers you NFT creation tools.

Will I be able to sell my created NFTs?

Yes, you will be able to sell your NFT collection on any market and we will provide you all tools to make it as easy as possible.

How much experience will I need to use the platform?

Our goal is to make building NFT collection accessible to everyone. No coding or design experience should be required.

What will the Founder's NFT look like?

It will be a unique collectible and your ticket to founder's privileges. The total collection is projected to consist of 10,000 NFTs.

Do you have referral program for presale?

Yes, you will get 10% commissions if you refer buyers during the presale. Start building the list now and get the commissions when the sale launches.

Which blockchain will you use for presale?

We are planning to use Ethereum blockchain to launch our own Founder's NFT collection.

Is joining the waitlist free?

Yes, it is completely free to join the waitlist and make reservations.

When will I need to pay for the Packs I reserved?

We will anounce the sale date to our waitlist members (in order of their positions on the waitlist). You will be able to decide if you want to buy when the sale goes live, or cancel your order.

How many Founder's Packs can I buy?

You can reserve up to 10 Packs per address during presale. You will be able to buy more if there is any left after the first round.

Do I need to complete KYC process?

No, buying Founder's Packs should be considered as a sale of services (platform membership), not an investment. Therefore, at this point you do not need to complete KYC process. If we introduce investment options in the future, the process will be separate and will not affect current Founder's Pack holders.

Will I be able to get the same privileges without Founder's Pack?

No. Founder's Pack will have exclusive privileges not available to others, and this is a one time offer. The only way to get those privileges in the future will be by buying the Pack from a current holder.