Presale Terms

This is an addition to our Terms of Use, dedicated specifically for the phase of launching the platform and selling Founder's packs. It is short explanation of sale process and related actions. At this point please consider this information as general guidelines, as the final terms may be updated before the sale starts.

Founder's Package Contents

Founer's Pack is a combination of two digital assets: one Founder's NFT (one of 10,000 artwork units, with their ownership information stored on Ethereum blockchain) and 100 Platform Tokens (used to order services on platform).

Founder's NFT

Founder's NFT is a Non-fungible token, tied to a unique artwork, with ownership information stored on the blockchain. Each NFT comes with the same set of privileges, which can be adjusted later, but should always grant exclusive perks, not available to the general public.

The rarity of ech attached artwork might differ, but does not influence the privileges in any way and is only for collectible purposes.

One owner can have several NFTs and transfer them to other owners at any time. Having multiple Founder's NFTs will grant you the same set of privileges for each of them.

The number of NFTs to be released is 10,000. After this no additions will be made to the collection and the only way to access the exclusive privileges will be to buy the NFTs from the existing holders.

Founder's Privileges

The list currently includes:

  • Ownership of a limited edition token
  • Entry in founders' list
  • Beta access
  • Exclusive free resources in creator's marketplace
  • Referral commissions
  • Discounts and special offers

Tokens will be used on platform internally to order our services. Tokens can be transferred between users, but are not considered an investment of any kind. You could think of Tokens as a form of preordering our services (e.g. coupons) with ability to use them on any available services you want in the future.

The value of 1 Token on the Platform currently reflects approximately 1 USD and may change in the future.

Referral Commissions

You receive 10% commissions for all Founder's Pack sales through your unique referral link (transfer fees are not included). Get your link by signing up for the waitlist.

You will also be able to receive referral commissions from the platform services sales in the future. The conditions of this program will be announced separately, when the platform launches.